What To Include In Email Signature

Email signatures play a vital role in professional communication, offering recipients valuable details about the sender and their organization. A thoughtfully designed email signature can boost your credibility, create a professional impression, and simplify contact with recipients. To create an effective email signature, ensure it includes key elements such as your full name, job title, company information, contact details, professional website/portfolio, branding, and optional legal disclaimers. By incorporating these elements, you can optimize your email signature’s impact and facilitate seamless communication. This article will explore what to include in email signature for the most professional look.

Full Name

If you’re wondering what to put in an email signature, start by including your full name. This helps establish your identity and ensures that recipients know who the email is from.

Job Title and Company

If you are stuck with what should an email signature include, specify your current job title and the name of the organization you work for. This provides context and helps recipients understand your role and affiliation.

Contact Information

When considering what to include in an email signature, including your phone number and email address is essential, enabling recipients to contact you directly and enhancing communication efficiency. Additionally, if applicable, you can incorporate other contact details such as your business address or website to provide recipients with further means of reaching out to you.

Professional Social Media Profiles

If you have professional profiles on platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter, consider adding links to them in your email signature. This can help recipients connect with you on other platforms and learn more about your professional background.

Logo or Branding

If you represent a company or organization, including a logo in your email signature can reinforce brand recognition. Make sure the logo is properly sized and aligned with your signature layout.

Professional Design and Formatting

A clean and well-organized email signature is visually appealing and easy to read. Avoid cluttering it with too much information or using excessive fonts and colors. Stick to a professional and consistent design that aligns with your organization’s branding. If you want to know what should an email signature look like, here is an example:

Jane Doe (professional accreditations)
Job Description | Company
Phone Number | Email Address
Relevant Social Media Links

Call-to-Action (Optional)

What should be in an email signature? You can include a call-to-action in your email signature, such as a link to schedule a meeting or download a resource. This can encourage recipients to engage with you further and take specific actions.

Certifications or Awards

If you’re still wondering what to put in your email signature, if you have relevant professional certifications or have received notable awards, consider including them in your email signature. This can help establish your expertise and build trust with recipients.

Keep it Concise

While it’s important to provide the necessary information, avoid making your email signature overly long. A cluttered or lengthy signature may distract from the main content of your emails. Aim to keep it concise and focus on the essential details for what should a signature look like, using a maximum of four to six lines.


Remember to regularly review and update your email signature to ensure it reflects any changes in your contact information, job title, or other relevant details. With this guide, you have read about what should be included in an email signature. By crafting a professional and informative email signature, you can make a positive impression on recipients and facilitate effective communication.