7 Tips On Professional Email Sign Off

The professional email sign off is an essential part of any business communication. It serves as a closing remark and leaves a lasting impression on the recipient. Whether you are sending an email to a colleague, client, or business partner, choosing the right sign-off can enhance your professionalism and maintain a positive relationship. Here are some ways to sign off an email to help you make a strong impact.

1.   Keep it formal

When it comes to professional email sign offs, it’s important to maintain a formal tone. Choose to sign off an email in a way that is respectful and appropriate for the context. Phrases such as “Best regards,” “Sincerely,” or “Yours faithfully” are commonly used and convey a professional sign off email tone.

2.   Match the tone

Consider the tone of the email thread and match your sign-off accordingly. If the conversation has been friendly and casual, you can opt for a less formal sign-off like “Best,” “thanks” for a friendly with gratitude email sign off, or cheers as a sign off. However, if the conversation has been more formal, it’s best to stick with formal email sign offs.

3.   Use your name

Always include your name when you sign an email. This helps the recipient identify you easily, especially when dealing with multiple contacts. It’s also a courteous way to personalize your communication and show respect.

4.   Tailor the sign-off

Adapt your ways to sign off on an email based on the recipient and the purpose of the email. If you are writing to a superior or a client, use a more respectful and formal sign-off. For internal emails or informal communication with colleagues, a slightly more casual sign-off may be appropriate.

5.   Maintain consistency

It’s a good practice to maintain consistency in your email sign-offs, especially when communicating with the same person or group of people regularly. This creates familiarity and makes your emails easily recognizable. However, don’t be afraid to vary your sign-off occasionally to reflect the context or level of formality as good ways to sign off an email.

6.   Avoid unnecessary complexity

While it’s important to be professional, avoid using overly complex or wordy sign-offs. Keep it simple, concise, and to the point. Long and elaborate sign-offs can come across as pretentious or insincere. You should always sign off an email with your regards and a name at the very least.

7.   Use professional signature

In addition to ways to sign your email, incorporating a professional email signature can enhance the credibility of your communication. Ensure that your signature comprises your complete name, job title, contact details, and pertinent links like your company website or social media profiles. A thoughtfully crafted and consistently applied email signature has the power to leave a favorable and enduring impact.


Remember, the sign-off is your last opportunity to leave a positive impression on the recipient. By following these tips and sign off email examples, you can choose a professional and appropriate sign-off that enhances your email communication and helps build strong business relationships.